My blog

Blog 7 – Have I got it all wrong?

Mental health score today: 8/10 Wasted thoughts about Narcissist Dominic: 2 Today I was right on track for forgetting about Dom. Then one tiny little thing sparks a memory and I get hundreds of wasted thoughts all day. So I was fine up until 3pm, cracking on with...

Blog 5 – Bad day for missing narcissist Dom

Mental health score today: 5/10 Wasted thoughts about Narcissist Dominic: Non stop
I’m just back from mediation. Normally I would be feeling on cloud 9. I really enjoyed myself while I was there and forgot about Narcissist Dom for the hour, but as soon as I was back home, I’m thinking of him again.

Blog 3 – Don’t believe narcissist flattery

Mental health score today: 6/10 Wasted thoughts about Dominic: Today was a bad day. I felt foolish all day for believing Dom's narcissist flattery. This is thanks to reading Tudor's book - 50 things never to do with a narcissist. Dom was the master of fake flattery...

Blog 2 – Don’t get sucked in by a narcissist

Mental health score today: 7/10 Wasted thoughts about Dominic: 3 Thank you so much Mr Tudor for your book, 50 things Never to Do with a Narcissist for sharing your thoughts. You will see in my book, D Spells Danger that right from the get go, I thought it must be...

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